Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tarot Says, "Enjoy!"

I didn't have a specific question for my spread today.  I was just open to whatever message I might need to hear right now.

The Fool, Three of Cups, Ace of Coins - The Joie De Vivre Tarot

As it happens I'm going on another trip tomorrow, so I think The Fool showing up is referring to that.  My husband and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary.  When I made the arrangements for the trip, we had the money needed to pay for it, but after a few home improvement projects this Summer that cost more than planned, money is tight.  Those money concerns are making it difficult for me to get excited about this trip.  I think the reversed Ace of Coins reflects those financial concerns.

However, I think the Three of Cups in the middle is telling me to relax and enjoy despite the fact that money is tight right now.  This is a very special occasion, worthy of celebrating, and I won't be doing anyone any favors if I am unable to be present in the moment because I'm too worried about money that's already been spent.

I'm going to let myself live it up! Responsibly.  We won't be spending any more money than necessary.  In fact, we're taking stuff to make sandwiches so we can eat on the cheap for a couple of meals, but this will be a time to enjoy!

Ah, I feel better now.

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  1. HAPPY 25th Anniversary!!

    Nice. This year is my 10th (been together 13) and I wanted to do something bigger but didn't plan anything, but I'm very glad to know that you decided to do something.

    Hope you have a wonderful time.


  2. Yes, those cards really do seem to say "Don't worry, be happy!" I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!

  3. 25 years - that's great! Congratulations, and glad to hear you had a wonderful time :)


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